Thursday, 18 August 2011


Q1: What is the meaning of Data Clusters?
A1: Data clusters are the way in which every type of complex internal data objects from an application in ABAP/4 are grouped. They are also deposited in the memory of BAP/4 for a limited period of time or in databases for a longer time. The databases of this type have the name accordingly, they are named cluster databases and their construction is predefined. This type of depositing data clusters is a particular feature of ABAP/4. With the aid of SQL statements it is possible to enter cluster databases and the data clusters that have been deposited in ABAP/4 can be decoded only by ABAP/4.

Q2: What is the meaning of these terms in SAP: application server and presentation server?
A2: An application server manages the output /input of ABAP/4 programs and interprets them. Application servers are groups of executables. Presentation servers are programs from the workstations of users that are called like this: Sapgui.exe.

Q3: In what way are Get and SET different?
A3: GET PARAMETER IF FIELD: The value deposited in ID is met in the variable by the statement, if a value is not found in SAP memory, the system configures SY-SUBRC to 4, in a different case is 0. SET PARAMETER ID FIELD: The field contents from ID are stored in SAP memory in a code with up to 20 characters in length. If a value is found there already it will be overwritten, if there is no ID we have to make a new parameter object by double-clicking the ABAP Editor.

Q4: What is the meaning of Field group, extract data set?
Extract data sets are made of records sequences, we can have various structures for the records, record types are in fact a group of records that have the same structure. Every record type that an extract dataset has can be defined as a field group with the statement FIELD GROUPS. The FIELD GROUPS statement brings multiple fields together with providing one single name. Usually we should declare the field groups when the declaration part in a program is finished, this will make everything clearer.Field groupsdon’tgenerate field space but they show the fields that already exist, they show us the records content if the records are met in the extract dataset.

Q5:What is the way for accessing data that is found on an application server and on a presentation server in ABAP/4?
A5: We will have to make use of these modules: UPLOAD or WS_UPLOAD for the presentation server and OPEN DATASET, CLOSE DATASET, READ DATASET for the application server.

Q6: How can we process sequential file, through what commands and syntax?
A7: For reading we use READ DATASET, for writing we use TRANSFER and for mode at POSITION MESSAGE, OPEN DATASET.

Q8: How do we separate these statements: assign and move?
A8: Assign: at data object assigning, the data project’s technical attributes are verified by the system for compatibility with every type specifications of the field symbol (ASSIGN TO). General attributes can be taken by the field symbol if they are not found in the field type specifications. If we go with the assignment it shows in the memory. Move: the MOVE statement is used for giving data object values to variables. It can be found as text symbol, literal, constant but it is not necessary to be found as a variable. No matter what the personal configurations the user has the decimal points always have to be stated with a period (,).

Q9: How do we make a separation between these terms: appending, input and output?
A9: Through appending we understand opening a file in order to write at its end. In the case the file is not found we have to make it. Through input we understand the opening a file to read it and through output we mean opening a file for the purpose of writing. The file in which we write will be overwritten if it is already there and made if it doesn’t exist already.

Q10: How do we proceed for a row in a table when we want to run a report?
A10: In this case we will make use of the Graphics Multiplexer. We will have a procedure that resembles screen capture that allows us to capture just the data. With this data graphs can be designed 2D or 3D, a feature that we can always access from the Menu-generate Graphics. In this way the required data can be dragged and we can choose the data we need for making a graph. After selection we must hit Graphics and the Graphics Multiplexer will be opened.

Q11: At the creation of internal tables what is the criteria configuration of the value of an occurs?
A11: What we have to do for configuring the value of an occurs is to make optimizations and for this we have to keep in mind some things like:
a)      The default declared size will be maintained in the roll area – faster program access.
b)      The whole data area of the application will be 64 kilobytes.
c)      The data inserted that is bigger than the default size is deposited in the roll file- the program is accessed slow.
More, prior to deciding to do an optimization we have to analyze the rates of access and the volume .

Q12: What is the syntax and function used for command AUTHORITY CHECK?
IF SY-SUBRC NE 0. The verification for authorization from the user part for starting a specific action is made by AUTHORITY CHECK.

Q13: What are the details regarding the debugger screen functions?
A13: Single step or F5 is an option that can be used to go through a program by every statement, in the function modules and subroutines that will run also step by step. After the processing of every function module or subroutine with the aid of the statements CALL FUNCTION and PERFORM the control can go back at the statement. Execute or F6 is an option for running a program with every line, so in a single line the statements will be processed all at once. When we use Execute and we are on a line invoking a subroutine , the entire subroutine will be processed and it will go to the line with the subroutine invoking, and we can go from statement to statement inside the subroutine. Return or F7: When control is going back to the main program, also the debugger will go back there from the subroutine. Return is an option that is good for going back to the invoking program from a subroutine , invoked program or function module. Continue or F8 is an option good for processing the program up to the following dynamic or static breakpoint or the location of the cursor. When the breakpoints don’t exist anymore and there is no cursor, the remaining part of the program will be processed normally and the system will go out of the debugging mode.

Friday, 1 July 2011

file operations

TYPE matnr,
TYPE maktx,
TYPE meins,
END OF ts_tab.

TABLE OF ts_tab.

DATA: gs_tab TYPE ts_tab,
TYPE tt_tab,
TABLE OF alsmex_tabline,
TYPE alsmex_tabline.

DATA: v_file TYPE ibipparms-path.

PARAMETERS: p_file TYPE string,
TYPE string,
TYPE string.


      program_name  = syst-cprog
      dynpro_number = syst-dynnr
      field_name    = 
      file_name     = v_file.
  p_file = v_file.


      filename                = p_file
      i_begin_col             = 
      i_begin_row             = 
      i_end_col               = 
      i_end_row               = 
      intern                  = gt_exe
      inconsistent_parameters = 
      upload_ole              = 
OTHERS                  = 3.
IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
LOOP AT gt_exe INTO gs_exe.
CASE gs_exe-col.
          gs_tab-matnr = gs_exe-
          gs_tab-maktx = gs_exe-
          gs_tab-meins = gs_exe-
AT END OF row.
APPEND gs_tab TO gt_tab.
CLEAR: gs_tab,gs_exe.

LOOP AT gt_tab INTO gs_tab.
WRITE:/ gs_tab-matnr,gs_tab-maktx,

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Customer ,Vendor &Material table names ?

Vendor Master
Vendor Master (General Section) LFA1
Vendor Master (Company Code) LFB1
Vendor master (VAT registration numbers general section) LFAS
Vendor master (dunning data) LFB5
Vendor Master (Bank Details) LFBK
Vendor master record (withholding tax types) X LFBW
Vendor master record purchasing organization data LFM1
Vendor Master Record: Purchasing Data LFM2
Vendor Subrange WYT1
Vendor Sub Range Description WYT1T
Partner Functions WYT3

Customer Master
General Data in Customer Master KNA1
Customer Master (Company Code) KNB1
Assign customer credit card VCKUN
Customer Master Contact Partner MASSKNVK
Customer master record sales request form MASSKNVD
Customer Master Sales Data KNVV
Customer Master Partner Functions KNVP
Customer Master Licenses KNVL
Customer Master Tax Indicator KNVI
Customer Master Unloading Points KNVA
Customer master credit management: Control area data KNKK
Customer master credit management: Central data KNKA
Customer Master: Legal Control  Sanctioned Party List KNEX
Customer Master (Bank Details) KNBK
Customer master (dunning data) KNB5
Customer master (VAT registration numbers general section) KNAS

Material Master
General Material Data   MARA
Material Descriptions MAKT
Plant Data for Material MARC
Material Valuation MBEW
Storage Location Data for Material MARD
Units of Measure for Material   MARM
Sales Data for Material MVKE
Forecast Parameters MPOP
Planning Data MPGD_MASS
Tax Classification for Material MLAN
Material Data for Each Warehouse Number MLGN
Material Data for Each Storage Type MLGT

Transaction codes in SAP

se-37  Function library.
se -51 Screen  painter screen..
se -41 Menu painter screen.
se -80 Object browser.
se -16 Data browser.
sm -30  General table contents display.

File handling in sap

File son application server are sequential files.Files on presentation server workstation are local files.
sequential files are also called a data set.

Monday, 27 June 2011

what is the difference between macros and subrotines?

1.macro doesn't have any return statemen.but a subroutine
can have 
2.execution time needed for a macro is much lesser than
3.memory requirement for a macro is generally heigher
4.subroutine can be classified as stated in Previous
answers..but no such classification is available with macro
although macro can have different types of nested form
5.generally no of instructions in macro are smaller than
6.macro is always local to the program that defines it
subroutine may or may not be local.

What is file handling in abap?

ABAP provides three statements for handling files:
  • The OPEN DATASET statement opens a file.
  • The CLOSE DATASET statement closes a file.
  • The DELETE DATASET statement deletes a file.

Sunday, 26 June 2011

what is AG stands for in SAP?

AG stands for corporation limited by shares in german language as  Aktiengesellschaft for more information go to below URL.

what is BAPI ?

Business Application Programming interface .

Friday, 24 June 2011

what is the transaction code for smart forms ?

smart forms

what is the transaction code for data browser ?


what is OSS in SAP?

Online Service System.

what are the two main product of SAP AG?

Mainframes system R/2 & SAP R/3

what R indicates in sap R/3?


when was SAP AG founded ?

In 1972 by four former employees from Germany.

what is ecc ?

Enterprise Central Component.

what is the transaction code for abap editor ?


what is erp?

Enterprise Resource Planning.

what is abap?

Advance Business Application Programming.

What is sap?

system application product